Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI)

The Southeastern Veterinary Education Consortium (SEVEC) is a collaborative community committed to promoting educational excellence and innovation within veterinary medicine. We believe that the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are integral to our vision. 


The SEVEC DEI Working Group was formed to develop and implement initiatives ensuring that exemplary veterinary medical education is accessible to all. Our aim is (i) to promote equitable and inclusive educational practices and (ii) to foster an academic culture of acceptance, alliance, and respect. 


We build on three pillars: Policy, Practice, and Assessment.

Policy endeavors involve teams reviewing policies and suggesting changes for removing institutionalized systemic prejudices.

Our policy team is currently collecting the existing CVM policies around DEI support and considering strengths and weaknesses.

See our SEVEC Policy Brief for Creating Inclusive Policies. This brief includes Key Terms, Inclusive Policy Considerations, and advice for constructing and implementing policies in your institution.

Practice endeavors engage educators and students in collaboration to improve educational practices through educator pledges, accountability, and best practice teaching methods.

Our practice team supports an educator pledge system for engaging the community in DEI supportive practices that are:

  • active and intentional
  • observable
  • engage students
  • can be completed within one semester by already busy educators

See our Educator’s Pledge and the “starter” list of Pledge Options each institution is free to modify.

Assessment endeavors identify shared needs, define measurable objectives, and evaluate efficacy of DEI initiatives. 

Our assessment team is distributed a DEI-centered survey of CVM environment quality to all SEVEC institutions in Spring 2021. This will be used to identify strengths and weaknesses and provide a baseline for measuring growth against.

We involve representatives from across schools and educational roles in this process because we are – every one of us – a part of this community.

Please contact Jesse Watson (jwatson3@ncsu.edu) with questions or interest.